Thursday, January 21, 2010

Week 14

Hello all - hope everyone is staying warm and safe!! Only half way thru winter.

I've had a busy couple of weeks lots going on.

Good News: Cold is finally gone!!!, Blood counts have stayed good, I've been off treatment for 2 weeks this time around instead of 1 so I've been awake for 2 weekends in a row and got to take Kyla to tumbling this past Saturday - yeahhhh!

Best News: My tumor markers for this month have gone down again - from 86 last month to 49 this month. Normal according to Rockford is 0-38 so I'm going for zero. Different hospitals use a different number scale apparently - Loyola for example is 0 - 32 ( I think).

Bad News: The reason I've had two weeks off instead of one is my newest issue is my gums, teeth and throat are hurting so badly I couldn't eat solid or spicy foods at all. Since being off two weeks in a row I do feel better and can eat more but I just had another treatment today so it will likely get worse again. In reaction to this my doctor has changed my schedule from 3 weeks on/1 week off to 2 weeks on/1 week off and lowered my medicine by about 15%.

I'm also having trouble with my PICC line because my skin is so sensitive and now he wants me to have a PORT put in my chest instead to avoid any possibility of infection. This will be a surgery I am not looking forward to but in the long run it will probably be better. The PICC is in my arm and a pain - I was just hoping to stick it out and take it OUT!

That's the bulk of my two weeks - really starting to feel good but I know that is going to change now that I'm starting my 4 month. Have to keep remembering how lucky I am and keep plowing ahead.

Love to all - have a great weekend!


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Week 12

Hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year! Not too much new. Still fighting this cold but as of last week blood work still good, still no fever so hopefully with some extra fruits and veggies I can get rid of it! Feeling pretty good aside from the cold and looking forward again to this week OFF from treatment. This last month has been a lot harder than the two previous but I'm hoping next month without the added stress of the holidays will be better again.

Pretty frustrated with being sick and tired. Again, I have to remind myself how lucky I am to be doing this well - I know there are many that aren't as lucky.

Kids went back to school yesterday and so far are still happy about it. That will last till about Friday I figure. It's been so cold they can't even play outside. I can't wait for spring!!!!!! I know winter just started but I'm done. :)

Well, back to work. Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year!! I'll try to figure out how to post some picture from Christmas.

Love to All!!!
