Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Week 23

So spring is officially here and my tulips are starting to come up - thankfully the weekend snow didn't kill 'em. :)

We're all doing well, the kids just finished 3rd quarter in school and the girls are doing fantastic -honor roll again! Nicholas is doing much better and on track for a great 4th quarter. They're all so excited that winter is over and school will be done in May. Just two more months.

At my doctor appt. last Thursday we discussed again the possibility to be off chemo by May - this will be pending scans that will be done the end of April. I'm feeling pretty good in general. Anxious to get outside and try to get some of this weight off before chemo is finished. I must be part of a select few that have gained weight on treatment, thanks to weekly steroids. Ugh! We also briefly discussed the next step which will be surgery to remove the primary tumor in my breast. The good news is he sees no reason for a full mastectomy only lumpectomy, the reason for this is since the cancer has already spread it doesn't improve my survival rate now to go thru a full removal. He is much more concerned about my liver so apparently once the primary tumor is removed that is where the focus will remain. Hysterectomy will then follow and so will early menopause - yeah!!! Still all better then chemo in my eyes so have to keep praying nothing starts growing back as soon as treatment ends. :)

Hope everyone enjoys all the sunshine this week!!!

Love and hugs,


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Week 20

Hello - hope everyone is doing good!

3 More weeks to Spring - yeah!!!!!

I've had a very busy couple of weeks between work, kids, doctors and surgery but hopefully this week will start to slow down.

My Port was put in last Monday and everything went very well, still a little sore but really not too bad. They used the Port on Thursday for bloodwork and it worked great so I'm looking forward to it being completely healed. It is nice not to have the PICC line anymore.

I finally met with my doctor to discuss the scan results in more detail and he explained that everything is shrinking and looking great but he wants me to stay on treatment until the tumors in my liver are gone. :( While I understand and know this is what is best - I really want to be done with this part. I'm so tired of being tired. He said I can "pencil" in May for being my last few rounds but he cannot confirm that will be it. Some of the tumors in the liver are already gone but the majority are still there just getting smaller. He didn't look at the bones right now, concentrating on the liver because that is the largest concern. If the primary tumor is decreasing (which it is) and the liver tumors are decreasing it is safe to assume the bones are too.

Also had a meeting with the Genetics department at St. Anthony and started the process for genetic testing to determine if I or my mom carry either of the "cancer" genes to better understand how this might have happened and the potential for any risk to my kids or my nieces. We should have the results of my moms test on April 1st.

Enjoyed being "off" this weekend and managed a little get away with Nicholas. It was fun and nice to have some alone time. I've gone away with the girls but never just me and Nicholas.

Hope everyone has a great week, enjoy the sunshine and warmer temperatures coming this weekend!!!! I'll be sleeping but enjoy it for me! :)