Thursday, February 11, 2010

Week 17

Hello all!

Well, I had my scans last week which turned out not too be so much fun the barium I had to drink did not agree with my system at all but I was feeling much better after replenishing fluids all day Friday.

Due to the weather, I didn't go in for my doctor appt and was hoping to review all results and questions over the phone but that hasn't happened to my satisfaction. I have talked to the nurses who let me know the scans looked really good and the tumors on my liver are shrinking too so treatment IS working and they are all very happy. The tumor indicator blood tests that have been run monthly are only a preliminary indication and do not confirm on their own the treatment is working. After having these scans, they can visually confirm it is working. I'm very happy but I would like answers to how much longer I will be on this treatment, what's next, etc.

I have another appt with my doctor next Thursday to answer my questions and do an exam. :) I also meet with the surgeon next Tuesday for my "pre-op" blood work for surgery to install the Port on Monday, 02/22/10.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Week 16

6 More weeks of winter according to the ground hog! Yuck

It's been a good couple of weeks, knock on wood - I feel really good, all the aches and pains have subsided for the moment and I am enjoying it!!!!

The fogginess or chemo brain as it is affectionately known as is somewhat worse this week but I'll take that over pain for right now.

This Thursday is my scan day and they will finally be looking at everything to determine if in fact the treatments have been working as well as the blood tests have lead us to believe. I will have CT scans of my chest, abdomen and spine. With my next doctor appoint scheduled for February 9th to discuss the results so I still need the prayers and support for a VERY positive outcome. These tests should determine how much longer I will be on this type of treatment and what will be next.

I met with the surgeon last week regarding the Port being put in and the Picc line taken out, he will most likely be the same surgeon for future surgeries if all turns out good.

Love to all!!!!! Let's hope the ground hog is wrong!!!! Positive thoughts for warmer weather!
