Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week 43/44?

Hello All,

Been a very busy couple of weeks again. Kids are back in school, lots of supply shopping and running around. Shauna started Jr. High - please all say some extra prayers for that too. :)

The biopsy from Aug. 16th didn't go very well, the new area of concern tested postive for cancer so at this point I will need to do a mastectomy instead of lumpectomy which will involve reconstructive surgery and a much longer recovery time then my first option would have given. At this point my Oncologist isn't planning to put me back on chemo yet but wants to remove and reconstuct first. I will be out of work for at least two to three weeks from what they tell me. I met with the plastic surgeon today and he will now coordinate with my other surgeon and the surgery will likely be in the next 3 weeks or so. I'll know more in the next day or two.

I want to thank everyone for their continued prayers and support and to my friend Marcie from cancer group who has put together a fund raiser on Sept. 18th in Dixon, IL and just completed a bake sale for me to help with some of my financial fun. Also to Kim who is working on another fund raiser which will be closer to the Chicagoland area for our friends and family out that way. There just are not words to express how grateful I am to all!!

Enjoy this beautiful week - love to all!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Week 40

Sorry, it's been so long - hope everyone is having a great summer.

Had another fun few weeks, tooth pulled, jaw locked shut - apparently I grind and clentch my teeth something that can become significantly worse with trauma to the area (infected tooth) and stress. Fun, fun, fun - I couldn't eat anything but yogurt, applesauce and oatmeal for about two weeks - ugghh. I am feeling MUCH better now, just on one type of medicine with no real side affects at the moment, knock on wood, but latest MRI showed 2 new areas of concern in the same breast so now I have to have an MRI guided biopsy to find out if these are new cancer growing or not. :( They are very small which is why the MRI is needed to help pinpoint the spots for the biopsy and they are not near my original tumor which is no longer showing up??? Surgeon says this is very unusual which is why I am holding out just a little bit of hope it's not more cancer.

The biopsy is scheduled for August 16th and based on those finding I will know if I will have the planned lumpectomy or have to do a full mastectomy and who knows - more chemo, radiation??

School starts in 2 weeks - I can't believe it! The kids are ready to go back but I know that won't last long. We didn't get a chance to get away at all this summer with all the dr. appts., work, etc. but hopefully we'll sneak away soon before my surgery.

Hope everyone is doing great! Love to all!!
