Thursday, October 14, 2010

Week 51

Hello All,

I want to say "THANK YOU" so much to everyone who was able to attend the fundraiser last weekend or sent cards or said extra prayers, etc. I honestly cannot express how thankful I am, a HUGE stress is lifted knowing if things take a turn we'll be ok for a couple of months if I am unable to work at all. :)

I went back to work last week for a few hours a day and am still pretty sore and tired but feeling better everyday. The bone scan came back clear which was great but my tumor markers continued to go up and were higher than before I began chemo (they're up to 201, they were 157 before chemo started) so my doctor had me to another CT scan which shows two spots in the liver have increased about 1 cm.

Although I'm pretty sure he wanted me to go right back on chemo he agreed to try a different hormone treatment to see if it might work before making me go back on. He gave me a shot to turn off my ovaries and I will start a new medication in 30 days. So if this works that would be fantastic, if it doesn't work at least I should be able to stay off chemo until around December. :(

Hope everyone is doing well!!! Love to all!!!!
