Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Week 71

Hello All,

Internet at home hasn't been working and still working too many hours so haven't had the opportunity to update my blog. :(

Hope everyone is doing great - spring is coming - yeahhhhhhh!!!!

Doing ok at the moment - radiation was rough, somehow caught strep in the middle of it but at least the throat pain took my mind off the side affects of the radiation. It's been about 3 weeks since I finished and my hair just started falling out really bad last week but it's in the back underneath and I think it might finally be stopping now so I'm not completely bald again. :) My headaches are finally starting to get better - they're not completely gone but sooo much better.

I will meet with my Oncologist again at the end of March and have scans again on the liver but as of my last visit all was going ok - breast MRI came back clean. Now we just have to get rid of the skull and liver spots for good. I haven't felt this good probably since this all started so I am trying to take advantage of it and I hope the weather gets better quickly so I can get outdoors more with the kids.

Kids are doing good overall. Kyla has had some health issues recently which has been scary for all but we're meeting with a specialist next Wednesday and she is on some preventative medication so hopeful this will be short lived. For those of you who aren't aware I had adolescent epilepsy, something my father passed down to me and I have feared which of my kids might also get it. So far Kyla is the one. I was 13 when it started for me, she just turned 12 and my father was between 13 and 14. Since we know what it is hopefully since she is on medication right away we can prevent any further seizures and she will eventually out grow it just like I did. We'll see what the specialist has to add since I still don't know that much about it just that I was thankful it only lasted about 6 months to a year for me on while on medication I didn't have any further issues.

They are anxious to start Softball in the next few months and I promised Nicholas a hiking trip. :)

Love to All!!!!


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